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It’s the start of June

    Another great Weekend.  Nice people, good fishing and sunshine!

    What has amazed me this week is the changes in colours! 

    It seemed the leaves just jumped out and the whole world is a brilliant lime green .  I know this will change quickly but it’s so beautiful..

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    And the wild flowers are popping out all over.  This I took on my walk with Popper the other night.

    It’s been a busy week.  Highlites:

    • I officiated at a marriage ceremony for a lovely couple.

    • We have had a number of repeat guests – always nice to catch up. 

    • Water levels have dropped allowing us to once again get down to the dock on the river and the canoes for the guest to use. 

    • The Otter has been spotted almost daily around the docks ( coming up to the lake to fish – although we have witnessed his success on the river as well)

    • Our loon is back again this year and sounding especially good. 

    • The Tundra Swans are spotted on the river every couple of days.  (They are so big you can spot them from way down river)

    I have the June specials up on the Web page.  Also we do have some shorter stays opening up in July and August!

    Wishing all a Great Day!
