The last couple of weeks, five swans have been hanging out just down river from the falls. Knowing they mate for life, it was a little sad to see five.
(please excuse the quality of this picture – it was early morning, light was bad and the swans were quite a bit down river)
The other morning, Stu spotted something white in the grasses on the shore, in the same area as the five were swimming. With his telescope he made out one swan on shore flexing it’s wing up and down. (this was as good as I could get with my camera)
Each day, mid-morning two pair flew off while one stayed behind, close to the hurt Swan. Keeping company and keeping watch. (lucked out with some sunshine for these shots)
We have been watching the progress over the last few days and the hurt Swan is now swimming with it’s mate; further and further from it’s rest spot each day.
We are hopeful that the Swan will be fully recovered in time for the two of them to join their friends on the journey south.