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An amazing Fall



    We are heading into a new season. Thank you to all who joined us this Spring, Summer and Fall 2015.

                                You have all helped make it a enjoyable rewarding season for us.

    It’s been a beautiful long Fall; allowing for lots for fun on the lake.
    The fishing was pretty good throughout the season. Lots of time for
    hiking and biking.


    This picture was taken one afternoon Stu and I stopped at Rainbow Falls.
    The sun in the Fall throws a golden hew on everything.

    We have had a lot of wildlife viewing opportunities.

    Grouse 2

    Isn’t this Grouse plump…. and not too sure about me being so close

    And November 9th our last Kayak ride

    Kayaking in November


    We are looking forward to the season ahead.

    Please find our Christmas / New Years packages under Rates/Holidays

    And rates for the rset of the Winter season you can find under Rates/Winter.

    Hope you will be able to join us for some winter fun

    Take Care

    Stu,Judy, Krista & Trinity