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I wanted to share a Fall Nature story… it’s a little bit sad and yet wonderfully uplifting as well.

    For some years now we have had Swans join us on the river during the summer months. We generally have two to three pair hanging out with other visitors coming and going.

    About 5 years ago,late in the season toward the end of October; we heard a really loud distress call one evening. One of the Swans had been hurt.

    The next morning we could see the six down at the bend of the river, five circled around the wounded bird. The five stayed watching for days, in the hope that their wounded friend would recover enough to join the flight south.

    A week later, one pair said goodbye. It was the saddest call. They knew their buddy was not gonna make it. A few days later the second pair took off, circled a few times and then headed south.

    Now just the two Swans were still here….the one stayed swimming right beside it mate to protect and comfort it for days… until finally the wounded bird died.

    The mate stayed one more night… we could hear it calling all night…but then in the morning it took off, and heading south, all by it’s self.

    The wonderful part of the story, is the next spring we had five return.
    Each summer since , we count and  always an odd number. We keep hoping that the one will find another mate…. maybe someday; but it’s wonderful to know that he /she is still very much part of the flock; welcomed and protected.