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Perfect Evening!

4 August 2022

Last night Stu and I headed up the trail in search of blueberries. A perfect night to be in the forest, a nice temperature and the Sun popping through the trees. We found a few patches of berries . It never ceases to amaze me how the blueberries in every patch have their own unique… Read More »Perfect Evening!

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A Healthy Sign for Nature

21 July 2022

This Milkweed is attracting both a bee and butterfly! Our guests, Regina and Gary, offered us two Milkweed plants last year and they are now about 4 ft high with lots of blossoms!  And as you can see doing their job to support insects.  (Gary shared that this is a “Painted Lady Butterfly” ) They… Read More »A Healthy Sign for Nature

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The Park is dotted with colour!

16 July 2022

It’s a perfect year for flowers.. both wild and the ones we have planted.   One of the sitting areas on the lake Hope you are all having a great Weekend!!


I could not stay mad for long???

7 July 2022

We have a number of wild rose bushes on the resort property and one domestic rose bush we planted years ago. It produces beautiful rich pink blossoms… which must taste way better then the wild roses. I came home at lunch to find a deer looking very satisfied with herself… but no roses left on… Read More »I could not stay mad for long???

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Beautiful morning, sunshine and blue skies.

6 July 2022

  Fishing has be pretty consistent on Brereton. Looks like we are in for a nice weekend coming up

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4 July 2022

A new name for a activity that has been around forever but is gaining a new wave of interesting.   Shannon & Derrick spent part of their stay with us , as Derrick called it, Land Fishing. They have a mettle detector and the little orange tool Shannon is holding is called a ‘Pinpointer’  Once… Read More »“LAND FISHING”

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30 June 2022

The Lady Slippers opened in time for Canada Day Weekend!!I had planned to add a picture of a Tiger Lilly; which I spotted just down the road but when I got back with my camera it had been picked. There use to be so many Tiger Lilies in the park; but with people picking over… Read More »HAPPY CANADA DAY!!

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A Nature Moment with a Snapping Turtle

24 June 2022

The Snapping Turtles are nesting in our area. The Moms return to the same spot year after year…. some for 40+ years. A couple of years ago the Government department of Infrastructure had to put in safety fencing around the dam. They were very considerate to the needs of the turtles and put the fence… Read More »A Nature Moment with a Snapping Turtle

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The wild roses have opened in the Park!

22 June 2022

I step outside the Office door and their fragrence fills the air. Come out and smell the roses!

Luxury Opening


20 June 2022