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Wish All a Happy and Safe CANADA DAY !!

1 July 2020

We are having a lovely day here in the Whiteshell and it’s so nice to see the guests enjoy their time. (These guests are relaxing on the deck on the lake at our office)

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Once again the Whiteshell did not disappoint

23 June 2020

Stu’s sister, Kathy had not ever seen a pelican so we took her over to Rainbow Falls. We were able to get quite close without disturbing them. 

Double rainbow

Double Rainbow over the river.. promise of a good week ahed

21 June 2020

 Great Weekend.  Always enjoy meeting “first timers” and nice to catch up with our return guests. A beautiful double rainbow over the river.   The sky is breaking up, with the promise of a good week ahead   .  

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A lovely morning in the forest!

11 June 2020

Stu and I took off down the Great Trail to check for trees down and for beaver activity.   Sure enough we did find a few trees down and the beaver had blocked one culvert; but each stop offered a view of todays development in the forest.   When we stopped to remove this tree I found… Read More »A lovely morning in the forest!

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Lots of activity at the beach

3 June 2020

The water is really quite nice. First day I have been in but the kids have been swimming for a few days now.

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June is starting off to be a beauty

1 June 2020

Summer is here!

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Boat ride to Turtle Bay

16 May 2020

What a nice weekend we are having! Stu and I took an hour this afternoon to head across the lake to Turtle Bay. First visit this year and we were not disappointed. There were a number sunbathing together on one larger rock   and a Mom and young-in on another rock   and a brave… Read More »Boat ride to Turtle Bay

Ad for Instagram 15th

Open and looking forward to you joining us!

15 May 2020
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12 May 2020

We were so excited to see the Canadian Snowbirds saluted Manitoba’s birthday.


All ready for the Long Weekend

11 May 2020

Looking forward to the May Longweekend!  We have a few units still available for this weekend.  Check out the Last minute specials I just posted for them.