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Some of the beauty I have captured at your magical little place
We received this lovely email today from Desiree and I thought I would share: I just wanted to say how much my husband and have enjoyed our time at your resort, both in the fall and most recently in February. I just wanted to take a moment to share with you some of the beauty… Read More »Some of the beauty I have captured at your magical little place
Another bright beautiful day in the Park.
Daniel, who was staying with us last week sent these great pictures to share. Thanks Daniel. Have a wonderful day.
We are definitely having a WOW day ( a Whiteshell Outdoor Wonderful day)
Happy Saturday to all.. We are definitely having a WOW day ( a Whiteshell Outdoor Wonderful day) I was invited to have coffee with friends in the north end of the Park this morning, so I put in some “finger tappin music” and head up Highway #307. What a busy park. My first stop was… Read More »We are definitely having a WOW day ( a Whiteshell Outdoor Wonderful day)
Today’s Success Story
We were watching an eagle flying down river this morning and just at that moment, noticed some movement on the shore line close to the first bench on the River Trail. Suddenly a deer ran out onto the thin ice. For a few steps it was good and then it went through. Thrashing and splashing;… Read More »Today’s Success Story
A nature story from yesterday morning.
We had a spectacular sunrise this morning. I thought I would share a nature story from yesterday morning. Quite early, just as the sun was rising, Stu and I looked down river and saw the ducks, geese and swans swimming toward a larger open spot right in front of us. As they gathered with… Read More »A nature story from yesterday morning.
The River is a very busy place right now
The warmer temperatures yesterday opened up a large area, just around the bend from the falls, that has attracted the Geese, Ducks and the Swans. And everyone is pairing up. This morning the Swans were involved with a lengthy matting dance. May the beauty of nature brighten your day!
Happy Spring!!
Still a little crisp outside for a a beautiful day to start off spring.Early spring is one of my favorite time of year. The world around us starts to stir with new life, new excitement.The Swans have been back for a while. And the Otter have been out fishing the last few days. He/She found… Read More »Happy Spring!!
So much wildlife out and about in the park.
Driving to Rennie the other day we saw this beauty in a tree just off the side of 307. We stopped and waited for it to turn around. At first it pretended we were not there; but then it gave us the “look”.
First sign of Spring
Looks who’s back. They landed this morning on the open water just down from the falls. Last year we first sited them on the river March 21st…. so they are 2 weeks early this year. 1st sign of Spring.
Wishing you a great weekend
It’s been a changeable day weather wise, with a spectacular sunrise over the river. First thing this morning,Stu had to take wood into War Eagle, to do some work on the dock, and I tagged along. With the fresh snow it was like riding on a fluffy cloud. Got back to the resort in time… Read More »Wishing you a great weekend