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A picture at every turn!

15 June 2018

On a drive through the park, Stu and I came upon this Blue Heron.    A picture at every turn. Wishing you all a great Weekend!

A busy time in the Park

30 May 2018

The hummingbirds are buzzing at all the flowers; the birds are very noisy especially the woodpeckers.. this guy has done quite a number on this Birch.   I have also been busy getting the flowers in. The forest got a great drink in last nights storm. We still have a bit left for this weekend.… Read More »A busy time in the Park

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Happy Victoria Day Weekend

20 May 2018

Perfect weekend!  A nice rain Friday which the forest really needed.  We woke to SUNSHINE Saturday, that has continued into Sunday.  Guests have been busy with the Bikes and the Canoes and Row Boat.  Nice to see people out having fun. We have a few openings next weekend.  Check out the web specials. Last night… Read More »Happy Victoria Day Weekend


Our Loon is back and just in time for Mother’s Day

13 May 2018

Those of you who have stayed with us may remember the story of the baby loon. About 6 years ago Stu and I were sitting on the deck at the office and noticed an Eagle fly over with something in it’s talons. As it flew over the beach area, it’s captive struggled loose and fell… Read More »Our Loon is back and just in time for Mother’s Day


First Boat Ride

6 May 2018

Stu and I went out for the first time yesterday… 4 days after break up

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Our Lake is open

2 May 2018

Brereton Lake is open and sparkling in the sunshine Breakup 2018 was April 30th!   We have openings this weekend.. even some one night  and pet friendly options.  Call 1-877-467-0832

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Looks like it’s going to be a great weekend

26 April 2018

  We have openings if you need some Rest and Relaxation……….. and some amazing photographic opportunities. Another beautiful day in Paradise!  The Swans swam by early this morning.  Yesterday I saw our first Blue Heron.. standing guard here while the ducks were eating.  

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Although slow in coming, the signs of SPRING are all around us

13 April 2018

….the warmth from the sun while relax on the deck;  the smell of the air walking  along the  country roads; and  the wildlife that we are seeing everywhere…. This eagle flew up from the river and landed not far from his nest  I was quite a distance off and yet  you can see how huge… Read More »Although slow in coming, the signs of SPRING are all around us

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Wishing you a wonderful weekend

30 March 2018
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It is Official!

22 March 2018

It official- SPRING IS HERE! The Swans and the Geese are back.    This guy was showing off for the camera And spectacular Spring sunrises! Wishing you all a Great Weekend. We have some openings this weekend if you have a hankering to breath some of that amazing Spring Whiteshell air