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We got some Rain…

    We did got a bit of rain this afternoon but are hoping for a lot more from this system.  

    Just before the system came in, guests out fishing did really well.  Everything is excited about the rain.

    Had some unusual visitors to the cottages lately.

    A lot of Snapping Turtles have be spotted on the property this week and one decided to stop at the door of Cabin #6. The guest said he/she scratched at the door for some time. We think that in moving from the lake to the river, it got side tracked and landed up on #6’s deck.

    And this gopher was quite interested in watching us through the window.  Too funny.

    Ground hog

     The Summer is going so quickly.  It’s been a great season with such nice guests, I hate to think of it coming to an end.

    And yet Fall is a special time in the Park; and I am so looking forward to the smells, crisp morning walks, sunshine afternoons, and quiet evenings in front of a crackling fire.   Come join us!