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Happy Holidays!!
Wishing all a happy and safe Holiday Season
The Park is very busy.
It’s been a beautiful weekend. Stu and I took a drive up through the park Saturday and we saw close to 50 cars at Pine Point Hiking Trail. It’s nice to see people out and enjoying the Park. We are enjoy the bird feeders… very busy. Wishing all a great week ahead!
For a day we had the lake total frozen and total smooth but darn- not thick enough to skate on…….. We got a skiff of snow so lake is now covered white. This is the 4th freeze-up this fall. We will see if this one stick.
We wish to join all Canadians today as
We honor and show our gratitude toward the Men and Women in Service with the Canadian Armed Forces. Thank you! My father, Lew Whiteman, was with the infantry in WW 2; he transported troops, supplies, and orders to the front line and back… and he played with a band that entertained his fellow soldiers as… Read More »We wish to join all Canadians today as
So this is the joke for fall 2020… “the earliest ever”
First time ever Brereton Lake has freeze-up on October 29th First time ever Brereton Lake has break-up October 31st ha ha and then froze Nov 1st and this afternoon we are having that break-up that “tinkles” as the pieces of ice break against the shore. The last few nights we have been having some lovely… Read More »So this is the joke for fall 2020… “the earliest ever”
Brereton Lake froze last night.
Last night the full moon and clear skies resulted in Brereton Lake freezing overnight
The season it is a changing!!
A beautiful sunrise over an almost frozen river this morning. Last night a flock of a dozen Swans flew over the house calling there good bye. When I reached the office I saw ice had formed on the shore of the lake. The season it is a changing… even though they are saying we may… Read More »The season it is a changing!!
Fall is one of my 4 favorite seasons
Magical Mornings…. the air smells so fresh The colours are so breathtaking on the forest trail. We took a ride back into Hanging Rock Bay the other day… The rock you see balancing on the ledge below, split from the main rock face years ago. Check out the eagle head and wing in the rock face,… Read More »Fall is one of my 4 favorite seasons