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Fall is a time of spectacular Sunrises and amazing Sunsets
What a beautiful week we are having.
We are heading into a beautiful weekend
We had a good rain the last few days which the forest needed badly but now we have sunshine. “SAVE THE DATE” – first three weeks in September ever year to visit the Whiteshell. It is spectacular! From the granite coloured rocks splashed with rust and reds, to every green imaginable highlighted by every colour… Read More »We are heading into a beautiful weekend
A beautiful time to be in the Whiteshell!
The colours have started to change! What a wonderful time to be in the park. Sunny afternoons wondering the forest trails or canoeing out to the islands. Cozy evenings relaxing in front of a fire.
A beautiful day out on the water. There is some colour showing up in the trees. Great start to September. .
A quiet day in the Park
A quiet morning on the river…… and now the guests have cozied into an afternoon of movies, games or a good book; while we receive some, so needed, rain.
Happy 2nd Weekend in August!
We have had another great week. Lovely guests! and nice weather. One of our guests made his ceder strip canoe. It was nice to watch him on the river, … Read More »Happy 2nd Weekend in August!
Beautiful Weekend.. Blue skies, white fluffy clouds and the water is just the perfect temperature for a dip. The Parks Crews have done a great job on grooming the Trans-Canada Trail making for easy hikes and bike rides. And Fishing has been good!
Another beautiful day in the Whiteshell.
The guests have been making good use of the complimentary equipment…
… and a nice one!Her Mom sent this over from her phone so the picture is a little blurry but you can still see the happy smile. Fishing has been pretty good. Some nice Black Crappy came in off the dock. Small Mouth Bass success in a bit deeper water and some little girl action… Read More »HER FIRST FISH EVER