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Friday Night Hello
It’s been a good week and now into the Weekend. This weekend is the Anishinaabe Nibi Water Gathering in the Whiteshell. Wishing you all a successfull and enriching event. NATURE STORY to share The other evening we were sitting down by the river and spotted a Beaver swam towards us. The water was so calm and… Read More »Friday Night Hello
Can’t believe we are heading into our 40th Year
The Cornell Family at Inverness Falls Resort, would like to say thank you to our extended “Resort Family” Thanks to our Guests for your friendship and support, over the 39 years that our family has owned Inverness Falls Resort. We are blessed to have “The Best Guests Ever”! … Read More »Can’t believe we are heading into our 40th Year
What a day to be in the Park
Stu and I headed out onto the TransCanada Trail this morning in search of Crocuses. What a beautiful day. It seems the buds are busting out all around. That first green of spring: I love how the sunlight danced through the forest trail. We were on the loop used also in the winter for skiing… Read More »What a day to be in the Park
Nice to see open Water!!!
When Stu came down to the office yesterday morning he fount the ice had left this end of Brereton……and the Lake was calling! By 10:30am Stu had a boat in and had done a once around the open water. By 2pm there were two more boats on the lake. It’s been a long winter and nice… Read More »Nice to see open Water!!!
Early Spring in the Whiteshell… so much is happening
We have had another Great Weekend!Yesterday as I was walking over to the office two Swans flew over. We had heard they had been spotted in the park the day before but that was my first sighting. At that same moment Stu and guests who were standing outside the office, looked down river to see… Read More »Early Spring in the Whiteshell… so much is happening
The weather has been perfect! Stu and I got out for a ride around the lake, this afternoon. The snow was amazing; and not a lot of drifts so made for a smooth ride! We have to hold on to every moment as we know spring is right around the corner. This time of… Read More »WHAT A WEEKEND!
First Signs of Spring
This morning, as Stu and I were enjoying the great big snow flakes coming down outside our livingroom window, we noticed a Raven perched in a tree a bit down river. He was make these jerky movements. I wondered if he was eating something but when Stu stepped out onto the deck, he realized that… Read More »First Signs of Spring
A beautiful Good Monring
Woke up to Red over the river and by 7am we had Sun-dogs. Beautiful day. Beautiful weekend. Happy Louis Riel Day