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Quiet day today at Inverness Falls

7 April 2022

. This morning a mink ran along the shore on it’s morning hunt. Interesting everything gets out of the way of the Otter as it swims by. This afternoon the Swans looked so serene resting in the sun

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I have one of those “ I have never seen that before” stories to share.

4 April 2022

  This morning the Swans were down on the river grooming themselves in the sun, when all of a sudden a Goose dive bombed them. Geese are big birds but not in comparison to a Swan…and for what purpose?? Before I could get my camera up to capture the action the dive bomber had moved… Read More »I have one of those “ I have never seen that before” stories to share.

Quiet morning on the river Swans

Good Sunday to all

3 April 2022

It was a quiet morning on the river. I had been thinking that we had not seen any ducks on the river yet this year and around the corner came a pair of Common Goldeneye. They were moving so quickly that I do not have one shot of the two of them together, looking at… Read More »Good Sunday to all


Lots of drama on the river this morning.

31 March 2022

 First: Three Geese greeted us with loud cackling…… things heated up quickly!   Two were obviously scuffling over a female. After this confrontation one male took off with the other in hot pursuit…. Leaving the little lady unprotected. Next thing we knew she was huddling close to the two Swans. I would think a very safe… Read More »Lots of drama on the river this morning.

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Out for a walk in the morning sun!

28 March 2022

This morning about 9:30am we spotted this wolf 1/4 mile down river.. (the sun did not co-operate so I have just a black shape against the sparkling ice). He/She came out of the forest right where we saw the Otter yesterday. It sniffed around the area and then sauntered across the river. Once it reached… Read More »Out for a walk in the morning sun!

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A start to the weekend

25 March 2022

With the wind and the cooler temperatures over night the river froze over, in most spots. This morning the Swans looked very  forlorn. (the white on grey on grey offered a interesting shot) On a lighter side, the Otter came out onto the ice to eat . and then headed down river to the next… Read More »A start to the weekend

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The Swans are back on the River.

23 March 2022

 These graceful creatures can be spotted from the River Trail and the Amisk Hiking Trail where it comes down to the River.   Trail Conditions: Hiking trails can be soft where the sun gets through the trees. Parks closed the Snowmobile Trails this week…. but we had 12 weeks of riding this year. Ski Trails… Read More »The Swans are back on the River.


An busy morning on the river.

22 March 2022

When we opened the blinds this morning, we were greeted by this beautiful immature Bold Eagle sitting in a tree not far from the deck.   Then we spotted the Otter out on the ice having breakfast. Once the Otter was done and dove back down into the water; the immature flew to the spot… Read More »An busy morning on the river.

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Happy 1st Day of Spring

20 March 2022

The 1st Day of Spring did not disappoint.  WHAT  A DAY!! Stu and I headed down our trail this morning while everything was still crisp! What a ride. We stopped at a spot, turned off the machines and listened. In addition to the scurrying of the squirrels and the swish from a Grey Jay flying… Read More »Happy 1st Day of Spring

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We had a once in a life time moment!

17 March 2022

Monday, we were sitting having supper with a friend and he looked out the window and saw this great gray owl landing in a tree just off of our deck. The next thing we knew it flew down from the tree and landed on our Bird feeder. It stayed there about five minutes looking down… Read More »We had a once in a life time moment!