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Headed out to check if the Crocuses were up

25 April 2020

Stu and I headed out to check part of the Trans- Canada Trail ( or The Great Trail). The trails are drying up nicely. We could get around most wet spots no problem. As we were nearing the ponds we could hear one or two lone frogs croaking… it want be long until they fill… Read More »Headed out to check if the Crocuses were up

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23 April 2020

We are Open and taking reservations for the Spring/Summer/Fall seasons. In light of Covid-19 we will be operating the office on shorter hours; but our Cottages and Chalets are open and ready  to welcome you. Self-distancing is made easy as the Cottages and Chalets are separate buildings with distance in between; and our resort property offers lots… Read More »WE ARE OPEN

Another WOW moment ( Wonders of the Whiteshell)

22 April 2020

Spotted an Eagle perched high on a tree with it’s back to us. It looked kind of shaggy until I zoomed in and realized it was wet. Possibly it had been fishing or just washing “winter” off its feathers. …………… So I got comfortable and watched. Stu said it must be a female; “No guy… Read More »Another WOW moment ( Wonders of the Whiteshell)

Happy Easter site

Happy Easter

11 April 2020
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A moment in the Whiteshell , which I hope will brighten your day, just a little.

10 April 2020

We woke up to a frozen river this morning but by 10:30 it had reached +9 and the waterfowl were already able to enjoy a morning swim. The snow is going very quickly; just patches left were trees are blocking the sun. Spring is coming…………

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We have been enjoying watching the Eagles.  

9 April 2020

During this time we are closed, we are keeping busy getting everything ready for our Spring guests. May Long weekend is only a month away!  We do have units still available.  

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Every day another sign of Spring!

7 April 2020

Yesterday, when I was standing outside the office I heard Sandhill Cranes. It’s been six months since I last heard their call.              (these pictures I took last April just outside the park – they blend in so well with the terrain.) Hope this glimpse of Nature brightens your day.


A beautiful day out there today.

6 April 2020

 The snow is melting quickly with the warm temperature today – nice to see moving water. I thought I would send some teasers… spring is on it’s way. Stay safe everyone and stay home. First time, since moving to Inverness Falls Resort, I have suggested people stay home; but practicing self-isolation now, will shorten the… Read More »A beautiful day out there today.

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Now that’s a bright white day out there today.

4 April 2020

Lots of activity on the river this morning; all of it around a very small hole in the ice that was still open after the temperature drop last night.Some swans, geese and ducks were swimming, one after the other, around the circumference of the open patch; while others relaxed in the sun on the ice.… Read More »Now that’s a bright white day out there today.

The family has decided to close for the next few weeks.  (April 4th-23rd) 

3 April 2020

We would like to take this opportunity to add our thanks to all of the Front Line Worker.    You are amazing, giving people. During this closure, we are pleased to help Conservation house some of their returning Forest Fire Fighters who need to self-isolate.     Glad to have the Fire Fighters back. They are… Read More »The family has decided to close for the next few weeks.  (April 4th-23rd)