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IMG 5575.JPG the beach


7 July 2019

Great Guests!  Great Weather!  and lots of fun at the beach!!! We have some openings in July… give  us a call if you have time off. Wishing all a great week ahead.

At sunset last night

3 July 2019

  Guests enjoying evening fishing off the dock; just as the sun was setting last night. Thanks to Ms Pohl for this shot.  It was a perfect night

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Hope you are having a great weekend

1 July 2019

Beautiful Canada Day Weekend

28 June 2019

Beautifull Sunset last night and a warm blue-sky day today.   The Lake water was just perfect for a refreshing dip this afternoon. Everything that Canada Weekend should be. We have openings the first week in July… come out and enjoy Summer!    

Martin birthday bass

War Eagle Lake Wilderness Experience for some fun

26 June 2019

Martin is proudly holding his birthday Bass, one of the high points of his War Eagle Lake Wilderness Experience.


Mother Nature is decorating the Park is vibrant colours. Don’t miss it!

24 June 2019


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A brand new Weekend Visitor

8 June 2019

Happy Weekend Everyone.   Wanted to share… the mother Gray Jay brought her babies to the feeder. We don’t feed the birds in the summer as there is lots of natural food for them this time of year. She was just showing the babies the neighbourhood.  I have a feeling this little one is going… Read More »A brand new Weekend Visitor

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The Babies are coming out

4 June 2019

Wonderful time of  year with all of the babies coming out into the world.   What beautiufl creatures and how little this baby is.      A few openings for this weekend.  Please see our Web Specials for availability.   Hope to see you soon  


Busy Weekend on the River

2 June 2019

  A nice weekend all around.. although we had a surprise. Got up Saturday morning to find the Beaver had been very busy. They raised their dam so high we could not get to the canoes on the river. Our nephews were out and give Stu a hand with the rescue.  


Another Sunshine Weekend in the Whiteshell.

1 June 2019

Back in the bays across the lake from Inverness Falls the turtles like to sunbath on the rocks. When we were there a bunch of painted turtles were occupying the best sunning spots. This bay is a nice canoe ride from the resort. We have openings this week and a promise of nice weather. Give… Read More »Another Sunshine Weekend in the Whiteshell.