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John New Years 2015 news

Some Pictures to share

8 January 2016

When I got up this morning it was -10 but it dropped to -14 by the time I headed to work. As I write thisI have just learned that it’s already -18. looks like we are going to get Winter, this year, after all. We had a wonderful December and first week in January. Thanks… Read More »Some Pictures to share


31 December 2015

Whishing you all a very happy New Year! Thank you to our guests for making our jobs so enjoyable. Look foward to seeing you all again in 2016 Stay safe! Stu, Judy. Krista and Trinity

Waiting for Christmas

It’s been a great year!

18 December 2015

      Everyone is waiting patiently for the big day. These beautiful Grosbeaks are anticipating Christmas morning treats. Tonight we are heading into the Rennie Christmas Concert. Since 1979, when we bought the resort, our family have been part of our town Concert. Its a highlight of the year.  The children all participating and… Read More »It’s been a great year!

The Park in White

The Whiteshell is a blanket in White.

24 November 2015

We went to bed one Fall night and woke up the next day to Winter.   Popper and I just got back from a walkon the Trans-Canada Trail. Everything is so beautiful. The snowwas not too deep yet; but the sky looks like we could get some moresnow soon. I am thinking it will not… Read More »The Whiteshell is a blanket in White.

fall on the water

An amazing Fall

10 November 2015

    We are heading into a new season. Thank you to all who joined us this Spring, Summer and Fall 2015.                             You have all helped make it a enjoyable rewarding season for us. It’s been a beautiful long Fall; allowing for lots for fun on the lake.The fishing was pretty good throughout the… Read More »An amazing Fall

Happy Thanksgiving All

10 October 2015

It’s a perfect fall day today.  Colours are amazing, slight breeze to rustle the leaves.  WE have so much to be thankful for!   On the top of the list are all of our guests who made the past season so special.  Thank you all. We hope that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving Weekend. Hope to… Read More »Happy Thanksgiving All

canoeing on the river

Fall is coming

11 September 2015

Before we know it will be the first day of fall. Already we are seeing signs.  It’s been a wonderful summer. Amazing Guests! To all of you who stayed with us thissummer; “Thank you for making our season a very enjoyable one.” We all love the fall. Something about an early morning air; brisk walks… Read More »Fall is coming

DSC01012 Water Lilly

Auguat has arrived

1 August 2015

The Water lilies are in full bloom.The Blueberries and Raspberries are dripping from the bushes. The water is just perfect for swimming.And we’ve been enjoying beautiful Sunsets over the lake. It’s pretty hard to beat Summer in the Whiteshell Park. (I saw this lilly just a 5 minute drive up Highway #307. And the loon… Read More »Auguat has arrived



3 July 2015

And what a start to the month. Lots of sunshine on Canada Day and theStars offered a natural light display Wednesday night. It’s an amazing time in the park. Weeat our first wild blueberries and strawberries, when we were out onthe Trans Canada Trail. They are just starting but already offeringenough for a treat along… Read More »JULY IS HERE


We are having a GREAT June.

22 June 2015

We are having a GREAT June. I love the long days. The sunshine afternoons and the rainy days, that leave everything smelling so good! We have had some amazing wildlife sightings. I was able to photograph this family of Loons feedingtheir babies. The Blue Heron landed just across fromthe house. They are so still. After 10… Read More »We are having a GREAT June.